Novi is a beautiful light filled loft space in Brykerwoods, Austin, TX with room for 6 clients per session. Our small reformer group classes are centered around you becoming stronger, deeply connected to, and present in your body. 



flow x strength x mind-body connection

Engaging, breath-focused, full body reformer workout. This is an intermediate-level class, but modifications & intensifications are offered throughout. 

[you are welcome to join pre-natal with instructor approval and understanding of appropriate modifications]

Zen Core

core x hips x alignment 

This class works at a more relaxed pace to focus on challenging core stability and improving full-body alignment.

[great for beginners, not pre-natal friendly]

Jump +

core x strength x plyometrics 

Full body, beat-driven workout with bursts of plyometric movement using the reformer jumpboard. 

[not appropriate for pre-natal, please take at least 5 prior classes on the reformer before trying this class so you are familiar enough with the machine to move at a quick pace]

Self Care

mobility x stretch x posture

this slow flowy class will move you through every range of motion to get a satisfying full-body stretch. extra emphasis on chest opening and strengthening your posture.

[great for beginners, pre-natal friendly]

Advanced Technique

balance x precision x dynamic movement

This class is for contrologists with a consistent reformer practice. we play with challenging transitions and more complex/dynamic movements that build on what we practice in all the other classes at Novi. 

[this class is not pre-natal safe, and is for clients who have been practicing reformer for at least 6 months]